
Welcome to my blog. I document everything I like. If you like what I like, follow me.

I LIKE a good design debate.

I LIKE a good design debate.

Here's why: 

We sold one of our lots of land last year to a nice couple from Egypt. They were looking for a lot with a good view in a country setting and we had a piece of land for sale just like that.

Upon purchasing the land, they shared with us an inspiration picture of what their house was going to look like. I was in awe. I really loved it and couldn't wait to see it come to life. I was even a little bit jealous.

Well, it is officially done and I can't stop staring at it as I drive by. I didn't get too close to take detail pics as I didn't want to be a weirdo neighbor right out of the gates (I mean, I am already blogging about them, didn't want to push it!) these pics will have to do:

A few things that are hard to tell from the pics...It has white painted vertical shiplap (thin planks) on the outside of the main house, and white painted shingles on the garage which offers a nice textural change. Even their house number is amazing. I have yet to be inside after completion but we have a dinner party scheduled with them near the end of the month (!!!) and I cannot wait.

BUT...months ago as they started to build, I noticed people in our community having vastly different reactions to the house that I loved. People were saying they didn't like it, that it was ugly, commercial-looking... whether it be the shiplap, the shape of the house, the big windows in the front, etc. I guess they just didn't get it.

I was surprised and wondered how people couldn't understand the beauty of this house design.

So I ask you—the smart, fabulous people who read my blog...Do you like what I like? Is this house a yay or a nay? Let the debate begin...comment below!

I LIKE this woman.

I LIKE this woman.

I LIKE this mascara.

I LIKE this mascara.